Why blog?

I suppose I’m probably someone who thinks too much. Funny how I present that apologetically, as if thinking were a bad thing. Still, I hope at least that I’m not someone who thinks too much of themselves. Time may tell.

Who am I talking to? Well, I spend a good deal of time in dialogue with the radio. Occasionally out loud. So, I thought I might write it down.

Why? Well, partly to see if I could articulate my inner rants. Perhaps to stop the same themes going round and round… Let’s call it a ‘working through‘ of my inner dialogues. And to have someone to talks to really.

So why blog? Well, calling in to Any Answers is either for people who have a genuine contribution to share, or for utter fruitcakes. I’m not the first, but don’t want to admit to being the second. Besides, a blog doesn’t impose itself on anyone. And the alternative of writing to The Times belongs to times past.

So, you are writing for others? Jotting things down or even writing a diary just seemed such a lonely proposition. I’d say I was maybe writing for An Other, rather than for others. Its for me, but at the same time it’s important it’s visible. I think that’s ok. Consider it a gift, floating on the ethereal wind of the internet.

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