
I feel therefore I am a really awkward, devilishly good looking French writer (and I know it)

I happened to catch some of I feel therefore I am on Radio 4 on Tuesday. Here’s the blurb: In the final programme in the series, Professor Abigail Williams tackles the idea that a single objective truth is now being replaced by the idea of multiple truths. This investigation into the multiverse of truth takes […]

I feel therefore I am a really awkward, devilishly good looking French writer (and I know it) Read More »

403 Chess

I have no interest in chess, but I’ve invented a new timed version that I feel, with all the enthusiasm of the truly ignorant, that I should share. Wait, it gets worse: it came to me in a dream… By way of explanation, I believe that the day’s event around which this nugget formed was

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Creativity 1

Just a quick note to myself really. This is taking much longer than I thought to pull together and all the blurb about ease-of-setting up is, let’s say, exaggerated. However, I am enjoying it, even though there’s not much to show. Having to engage with setting up the website and starting and re-starting designs, and

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Swivel-eyed loon?

One of the difficulties of putting pen to paper, so to speak, on matters about which one has an opinion, is that one is all too likely to come across as ill-informed and didactic. I very often find myself talking out loud to Any Questions and I am all to conscious that to do so

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Why blog?

I suppose I’m probably someone who thinks too much. Funny how I present that apologetically, as if thinking were a bad thing. Still, I hope at least that I’m not someone who thinks too much of themselves. Time may tell. Who am I talking to? Well, I spend a good deal of time in dialogue

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