
It’s My Party…#8

The Populist-Lite Playbook for Dummies So… BJ is still here then, like a disgraced paedophile loitering defiantly round the school gates. An inappropriate simili in virtually almost all circumstances I’ll admit, but then… BJ is still here and with attitude, having taken lessons from those denizens of water closet politics, Vlad Poo-tin and Don Trouser

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It’s My Party… #3

PPS: Timing is Everything… Timing is everything with leaks. Why would footage of people rehearsing the denial of an illegal Christmas party (doesn’t that sound Cromwellian?) only surface a year after the event? Yes, OK, it’s ‘that time again’. More likely is that someone’s been saving this up for a suitably damaging moment when the

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It’s My Party… #4

PPPS: Henry! This Allegra Stratton business (already it’s yesterday’s news, but I really have got to mention this): the filmed rehearsal took place in the purpose-built media centre that detractors never fail to mention cost £2.6m (so more or less than Allegra Stratton’s house?). This was widely derided at the time for having all the

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It’s My Party… #2

PS: what has four legs and flies? It’s often instructive to pay close attention to what people actually apologise for. In her resignation statement to the press Allegra Stratton apologises for becoming ‘a distraction in the fight against covid’ and apologises that her remarks in 2020 ‘seemed to make light of the rules’. She goes

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