Operation Meat Raffle #1

Is that it? Is that really it?

At the last count there were eleven candidates for Conservative Party leadership.

Eleven people who have serious and (mostly) credible ambitions for leading the country, several of whom have achieved positions of power and wealth outside of politics, all of whom (perhaps with the exception of backbencher Rehman Chishti), have made it up the political ladder to point where they feel confident enough to bid for leadership, and all of them, given a chance to to set out their vision of a post-Johnson United Kingdom under their leadership, at a time when the UK is beset by rising inflation, a contracting economy, a health service on its knees, broken prisons, a Social Care crisis, crumbling schools, growing wealth inequality, unaffordable housing, and a European war and climate and ecological disaster, and Brexit; the vision set out by all these successful, educated people to turn all that around is:

One: lower taxes, especially for business

Two (as an afterthought): don’t be woke.

Seriously. Is that it? None of you have anything more imaginative or credible or honest or constructive or even responsible to offer than that? Is this really what it has come to?

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