It’s My Party… #5

Great Boo’s up, BJ!

It really is the gift that keeps on giving, isn’t it? I was thinking that HCL was at risk of losing its cutting-edge relevance, what with yours truly having a day job n’all, but Boris is back with a booze-up to get us all riled and to keep HCL in business. This, by the way, is about the ‘revelation’ that the PM’s private secretary invited around a hundred or so folks to Downing Street garden drinks (‘bring your own booze’) on May 20th 2020, while the rest of us were limited to seeing just the one person outdoors, and that with two meteres of social distancing. Rumour has it (though no evidence has definitively shown at this stage), that BJ himself was there, doubtless doing a star turn pulling rabbits out of hats and getting Brexit done and suchlike.

Rhymes with ‘muse’

Image: British Comedy Guide

The PM’s private secretary really does need to be commended for his employment of the word ‘booze’: so redolent of 1980’s tabloid-speak, so warmly reminiscent of pleasure trips to the continent for purposes of ‘stocking up’, such a quintessentially English turn of phrase perfectly suited to the tawdry nature of the whole episode. ‘Booze’ is defiantly down-market, it’s use indicating that inebriation is the name of the game and therefore linking it intimately with that Great British pastime, the binge. One can really see here that the PM’s private secretary got the job thanks to his confident mastery of British politesse no doubt honed during his assortment of previous foreign postings and now effortlessly deployed in this pitch-perfect invitation setting just the right tone of hysteria.

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