Why blog?

I suppose I’m probably someone who thinks too much. Funny how I present that apologetically, as if thinking were a bad thing. Still, I hope at least that I’m not someone who thinks too much of themselves. Time may tell. Who am I talking to? Well, I spend a good deal of time in dialogue […]

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I feel therefore I am a really awkward, devilishly good looking French writer (and I know it)

I happened to catch some of I feel therefore I am on Radio 4 on Tuesday. Here’s the blurb: In the final programme in the series, Professor Abigail Williams tackles the idea that a single objective truth is now being replaced by the idea of multiple truths. This investigation into the multiverse of truth takes

I feel therefore I am a really awkward, devilishly good looking French writer (and I know it) Read More »

Influencers: Go Deinfluence Yourself!

So… an article in this morning’s Guardian (The sudden dawn of the deinfluencer: can online superstars stop us shopping?)  notes the recent rise of the deinfluencer, these being online folk shrilly telling whoever will listen that they don’t in fact need all the things they once never knew they needed until influencers told them shrilly

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Operation Meat Raffle #3

With voting by the party members fully underway, Operation Meat Raffle has gone into its vinegar strokes. Ever juicier bigger bones / bribes / tax-cut porn are being dangled before the faithful. After this campaign is over, it will have done for Gammon and Karen’s relationship what Fifty Shades of Grey had only tentatively begun:

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Operation Meat Raffle #1

Is that it? Is that really it? At the last count there were eleven candidates for Conservative Party leadership. Eleven people who have serious and (mostly) credible ambitions for leading the country, several of whom have achieved positions of power and wealth outside of politics, all of whom (perhaps with the exception of backbencher Rehman

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