Creativity 1

Just a quick note to myself really. This is taking much longer than I thought to pull together and all the blurb about ease-of-setting up is, let’s say, exaggerated. However, I am enjoying it, even though there’s not much to show. Having to engage with setting up the website and starting and re-starting designs, and trying to work around the limits of menus…. it’s painfully slow, for me anyway, but also rather fun. I was very conscious that setting out on an ambiguously private-but-sort-of-pubic affair could be rather lonely making, as they might say in Sweden. It does, after all, make the absence of a real confidante really rather apparent, but it’s actually been quite pleasantly engaging for being a bit… creative.

On reflection, it seems to me that I, and I guess most people really, consume an awful lot in the form of radio, newspaper, film, books, magazines and the like, plus ‘experiences’ like meals out, museums and whatnot, plus all the physical stuff we (or I) surround ourselves with, and yet we (or I) create very little. Although this project may be very little, and not put together from first principles, it is nonetheless something I made, and that feels rather liberating. Like finding a bit of myself I had forgotten was ever there and gently waking it.

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