It’s My Party… #3

PPS: Timing is Everything…

Timing is everything with leaks. Why would footage of people rehearsing the denial of an illegal Christmas party (doesn’t that sound Cromwellian?) only surface a year after the event?

Yes, OK, it’s ‘that time again’. More likely is that someone’s been saving this up for a suitably damaging moment when the government is under scrutiny for other misdemeanours, of which you can currently take your pick. After all, someone has been sitting on that film for a year.

Even that doesn’t seem like the whole stoty to me though: I’m surprised that nothing has leaked from the partygoers themselves (‘revellers’ in tabloid-speak), especially given that there now seems to have been several. One possibility is that there are others who wanted it to remain buried: were there journalists at the party? I can see why the Spectator didn’t run with it so maybe Allegra Stratton’s connections with the journalistic world bought her some forbearance. In which case, what did she do to blow it now? Left someone off the guestlist? Mentioned how much her house is worth? The Publick need to know!

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